Mac builds

Posted in Announcements on October 10th, 2011 by Newton – 9 Comments

Oh, and just on a quick note:


Thanks to PeterW and Mortimer, Mac packages are available for the new version, too. The link is modestly standing on the right side of the download page.

OpenClonk 2.1 released

Posted in Announcements on October 10th, 2011 by Newton – 1 Comment

Another update!

In the meantime, the settlement development gathered quite a momentum. Since the release 10 days ago, there have been over hundred commits on the repository! We cherry-picked some of them for this bugfix update.

See below for a short list of changes. Download as usual on the download page, just install over the old installation.

Also, be sure to turn on the “high resolution landscape” in the options if it is not turned on yet! This makes the landscape look much better than in previous versions, though on very old graphics card this may result in artifacts rendered in the landscape, report it here then (you can post as anonymous, no registration required).

Game content
+ Tutorial4: Fixed losing weapons forever (#667)
+ Objects: Stonedoor damage now visible through cracks (#669)
+ Target ballon in tutorial 3 makes popping noise when shot
+ Chest animation fix
+ Drive animation/pose for plane; clonk doesn't swim inside containers
+ Tutorial 4: Fixed item swith when dying (#665)
+ Tutorial 2: Fixed blasting spot under ropeladder
+ Added Iron Bomb, also as a weapon to all scenarios that used to have dynamite bars
+ Footstep sounds for the clonk
+ new sound for the teleglove
+ some refactoring
+ fixed clonk meshes
+ clonk can turn while on grappler rope
+ fixed turn rotation when swinging the grappler to the right
+ clonks rotation again adapted to the rope ladder (#637)
+ Blast sounds different under water (or any liquid)
+ Fixed bow aiming animation during jump

+ CrewMembers are only banned from resurrection during Death callbacks (#532)
+ Engine: Fix possible crash in C4Landscape::InsertDeadMaterial (#666)
+ Fix the build when building against libpng 1.5
+ Fix writing of Record.log
+ Use big landscape tiles when classic shaders are enabled
+ backport network security fix
+ Landscape: Dig2ObjectCollect shouldn't stop other materials from spawning (#678)

OpenClonk 2.0 released

Posted in Announcements on October 1st, 2011 by G – 8 Comments

It’s been 9 months since the last full release. Time for another one! The most visible changes since 1.2 are:

  • The landscape is drawn in higher resolution
  • The Macosx port has an editor like the other ports
  • A new scenario Scorched Garden, and a redesigned Overcast

But there are a lot of smaller changes and improvements as well, especially for people who want to write their own game content.

Download here

You are advised to first uninstall OC 1.2 before you install OC 2.0 as the game data of it is incompatible with the previous version.

This version shall be the foundation on which finally the mines, production lines and generally the settlement is implemented. The start signal has already been lit with this forum post from Clonkonaut. If you are interested to contribute, just talk to him or reply to this forum post.


The full list of changes


Script - general:
* Removed DefCore entries Edible, Prey, Growth, NoSell and Rebuy
* Removed OCF_Edible, OCF_Prey, OCF_Living
* Differentiate between COMD_None and COMD_Stop
* Empty function parameters default to nil instead of 0
* obj->~foo() cannot have whitespace between -> and ~ anymore
* arr[-x] returns the x-th last element of an array now, arr[i:j] ranges
* Scenario.txt: Definition1 defaults to Objects.ocd
* Added RelaunchPlayer callback which is called after last crew member died

Script - functions:
* Added function DigFreeMat
* Changed functions SetSkyParallax, BlastObjects, ScheduleCall, AddMsgBoardCmd, GetDefinition (all documented)
* Fixed functions HSLa, SetGraphics, GetTurnDirection, CreateScriptPlayer
* SetPlrExtraData and SetCrewExtraData can store strings now
* Removed unimplemented Par(n)=foo
* Removed reference parameters for functions

Script - properties:
* Replace the sorting functionality of Categories with a Plane property
* Removed trainable and permanent physicals from the DefCore, they are now (Action) properties
* Replaced Collectible and Grab DefCore value with Collectible and Touchable property
* Effects are now also proplists
* Effects can declare named variables (properties), removed EffectVar()

Engine - general:
* Changed OpenClonk file extensions to ocs, ocg, ocd, ocf, ocp, oci, ocm, ocb, ocv, ocl and ocu
* Added UTF-8 support
* Removed loading of BMP definition graphics and portraits
* Log to record file, too, when recording
* Removed portraits
* Revive the possibility for rivalry in the round evaluation dialogue
* Load additional player control defs from definition local System.ocg files
* win32: Log a stack trace on assertion failure
* win32: Remove duplicate file type association code from the engine
* TONS of code cleanup work
* Fixed various mesh loader bugs (#602,...)
* Fixed various memory leaks
* Fixed player properties dialogue
* Fixed various savegame issues
* Fixed crash when script players join the game (#571)
* Fixed wrong video mode selection
* Fixed unable to change resolution and fullscreen (#600)
* Allow resolution change with mismatching display refresh rates
* Fixed hang on exit
* Fixed solidmask zoom on zoomed graphics (#639)
* Fixed viewport drawing in fullscreen mode
* Fixed miscellanous win32 and sdl issues
* Removed unconditional infinite loop in C4GameObjects
* Fixed a possible access violation through effects
* Fixed /help notice is not correctly displayed in IRC chat and removed RWD notice
* Fixed joining network game in edit mode (#649)
* Don't complain about invalid topfaces for mesh graphics
* Fix control assignment set sortingby priority  (#641)

Game logic:
* Structures do not automatically remove snow and flyashes
* Corpses can burn
* Do not change Controller on Enter for Alive non-C4D_Livings
* Solidmasks can also move floating objects
* Material objects dug free can be forced to be collected

C4Script interpreter:
* Added a standalone C4Script interpreter
* Various improvements and optimizations to the script interpreter
* Correctly backtrace C4Script exceptions
* Optionally warn about empty function call parameters and array expression entries
* Do not print a deleted-object-warning while warning about that object
* Remove some unnecessary inspections of callers of builtin functions
* Fixed crash when parsing a function call with more than ten parameters
* Fixed crash trying to display stringtable-not-found error message (#588)

* Added Antialiasing feature
* Added high resolution shader landscape rendering
* Added possibility to animate material textures, added animated water
* Digging and blasting now produce more natural shapes
* Separate graphic for "Mouse Over" for main-menu buttons and Icons
* Zoom of GUI elements is dependent on viewport resolution
* Impoved map to landscape algorithms to create a smoother landscape

* Lots of GTK editor enhancements
* Lots of Mac cocoa editor enhancements
* File/Save creates a savegame when the original scenario was one
* File/Save Game As correctly preserves the Origin
* Fixed various crashes in editor mode
* Fixed various GTK editor issues
* Fixed various Mac cocoa issues
* Fixed property window doesn't open in editor (#635)
* Fixed a crash on reload definitions (#76)
* Fixed crash when opening a second viewport for the same player
* Fixed window creation in editor mode
* Fixed possible crash on initial window creation
* Fixed starting the engine with a scenario with a trailing slash
* Fixed infinite loop if the first scenario failed to load (#592)

Win32 Installer:
* Installer creates a startmenu shortcut that launches the editor
* Only register the uninstaller with add/remove programs
* Cut unnecessary pages from the installer

* Fixed FindNextEntry
* Removed unused -a, -m, -e, -d, -r, -o commands
* Removed Maker information.

Game Content

Game content - general:
* Added control: collect (into backpack)
* Added script-side bubble implementation (removed engine-side implementation)
* Added script implementation of the fire effect
* Finish balloon with sound and graphics
* correct the display of the rope and grapple hook and the clonk's position on it
* Fixed water jump
* Fixed friction values for the Rock
* Reset clonk action when they enter a plane
* Cannon and lorry don't fall off the sides of the map
* Parkour: Safety against creating checkpoints outside landscape bounds
* Parkour: checkpoint may now clear materials behind it
* Applied friction to ore (no more phasing for ore)
* Fixed a C4Script runtime error for unavailable hotkeys
* Usage of item is cancelled if (another) item is thrown
* Stop can now return -1 to keep that object as used object (part of #483)
* Prevent clonk from swimming in solids
* Remove unused MGranite
* Fixed cannon rotation
* Performance optimizations for the backpack and health/breath tubes
* Prevent HUDadapter from throwing runtime errors for non-crewmember clonks
* Fix grappler also shots on cancel
* Grappler: fixed division by zero (#613)
* Clonk now moves his legs while aiming with the bow (#640)

Graphics and Sound:
* Added new HUD
* New textures for ruby, ametyst, bricks, earth and snow
* Replaced a sky texture
* New clonk-head graphics
* Removed Cursor graphics in different sizes
* More detailed crosshair graphic
* Changed graphics of earth to look like earth more
* Changed Marker visuals of the flag
* Tweaked musket animations
* Fixed sword visuals a bit
* Clonk doesn't contort or moonwalk when using shield with right hand
* New graphics for the powder keg
* Changed snowflakes to be much smaller
* Added splash effects for swimming
* Added a backpack graphic on the clonk's back
* Fixed and improved some Clonk animations, added chop, dive and magic animation
* Added graphic rotation during scaling and animation for scaling top corners
* New winch graphics
* Fixed animation glitch for KneelUp animation (#328)
* Added new icons for scoreboard
* A bunch of new and/or improved frontend graphics
* Clonk doesn't stop digging automatically when he hits a wall

* Added Scorched Gardens deathmatch scenario with telekinetic gyroglove
* Hideout: Fixed warnings, removed floating edge
* MoltenMonarch: Fixed landscape (bottom lava)
* Overcast: Completely redesigned
* Tutorial 4: Fixed opponent creation
* Tutorial 4: Fixed AI movement for swordman
* Guardians of the Windmills: fixed evaluation data
* Remove some tools from shiver peak
* Removed clouds blocking the view in Shiver Peak
* FrozenFortress, Hideout: CTF goal set to fix 2

* Added Clonk can roll off
* Clonk can jump off walls (with new animation).
* Clonk cannot control his movement while tumbling anymore
* Changed maximum walking speed of the Clonk by 0.04 pixel/frame to fit jumping speed
* Jumping acceleration lowered by 0.2 pixel/frame
* Musket does 15 damage now instead of 10 (the bow does 6-12)
* No jumping facing backwards


Digging towards a release

Posted in Development on September 7th, 2011 by Newton – 7 Comments

It has been more than six months since the last stable of OpenClonk has been released. However, loads of new features, changes and fixes have been implemented ever since.

Now we want to finally release the next stable. Currently we are blasting our way through the last known crashes, bugs and desyncs and will start the playtesting soon.

The new release will contain very little new game content but balancing changes, loads of fixes, new graphics, tons of refactoring (which is only interesting for developers though ;-)) and many new features such as the high resolution shader, antialising, UTF8-support, a new HUD design that scales with the display resolution or more natural blast shapes.

Commit Message of the Week

Posted in Development on August 18th, 2011 by Clonk-Karl – Be the first to comment

I wonder whether it was by intention but it made my day. 🙂 Commit b6bec718c930:

C4Group::FindNextEntry only writes in the result buffer finding a file (#618)

Before “Initialize some uninitialized variables”, SCopy would do nothing because the StdStrBug still contained the parameter, but with that patch, it wrote the empty string into the result buffer.

New explosions

Posted in Development on August 1st, 2011 by Newton – 6 Comments

Till now, explosions have always been perfectly round circles. I changed this to somewhat more rough and natural looking shapes, still circular but with a lot of random in it. The bigger the explosions, the spikier the shape. Shapes that have been dug free are more smooth, more circle-shaped.

The marvelous world of shaders

Posted in Development on July 29th, 2011 by PeterW – 2 Comments

You might have noticed that OpenClonk’s model rendering code is able to provide nicely detailed graphics even when you zoom in. The landscape however looks like this when zoomed:

Click me for full resolution!

This is because the landscape of Clonk is stored like a raster graphic – if one zooms in, it becomes blurry or pixelated.

If you look around in our forum from time to time, you might have noticed that PeterW has been playing around with a pixel shader to implement a scaling algorithm, namely the hq3x. The result of his work looks like this:

Click me for full resolution!

Notice that his shader not only scales the display of the landscape very nicely but also implements a simple lightning model similar to the lightning in Clonk Rage.

PeterW implemented the feature in the engine already. So to test this, just grab a recent development snapshot and enable the option “High resolution landscape” in the options. Should you encounter rendering problems, post it in the forum (with a screenshot)

By the way, the shader code can be found in Graphics.ocg/LandscapeShader.c, so each scenario can theoretically define it’s own shaders for awesome effects.

OpenClonk 1.2

Posted in Announcements on February 12th, 2011 by Newton – 4 Comments

Highlights of this update are the new scenario Thunderous Skies and the revival of the dedicated server code. The usual assorted bugfixes are present as well. Notably, the update function on windows works now, so this is the last release windows users have to download from the download page.

Game content and mechanics:
+ Added Thunderous Skies scenario from Mimmo
! Overcast: set correct owner of a wind spell
! Overcast: Removed double Scenario.txt Sky entry
! Fixed kill logs
! Fixed parkour short description
* Cool Cavern: Finetuned landscape and TopOpen=0
– removed stray ActMap.txt in edge.c4d
* Slightly improved texture for wooden cabin
! respawn container does not spawn weapons anymore (#554)
! Fixed a possible runtime error in the Parkour goal
* Cannon and lorry can’t fall off the sides of the map
! Fixed pressing use1/use2 on gamepad when no item is selected (#535)
! Fixed sword usage with gamepad controls

+ dedicated server works again
+ Generate mini dumps on crash
! Update: Fix update procedure on Windows
+ Update: Fallback to manual full download if update procedure is broken
! Update: no automatic update for debian/ubuntu (they got their own update procedures)
! Don’t reset progress bar when starting to load definitions
! Fixed crash when both shaders and FoW are enabled (#549)
! Some fixes in gamepad controls
! win32: Default to current desktop display settings (#484, #493)
! Only select display modes with the configured color depth
+ editor/gtk: Save the clipboard on exit
+ Script: Add global function DigFreeMat
! Script: == works when one side is an object with proplist type label

OpenClonk is “highlight of the winter” on Chip Online

Posted in Announcements on February 3rd, 2011 by Newton – Be the first to comment

This is worth a little announcement:

Chip Online, the online portal of a well-known German PC-magazine has chosen OpenClonk to be the download-highlight of the winter 2010/2011.

Thunderous Skies

Posted in Development on December 29th, 2010 by MimmoO – Be the first to comment

Thunderous Skies 1Since this scenrio did not make it into the current update, I decided to modify the current version of this scenario so its playable with the current release version.

Claim control over this sky island, which floats up high in the sky. Numerous weapons, spells and environment objects will help you to fight your enemies. Kill an enemy as the king, or kill the current king to score a point. You get healed by 30% of the damage you do, while you are the king.


A King-of-the-Hill-round in great heights. Who scores 10 points first, wins.

Download the Scenario here.