OpenClonk Release Meeting over
So the OpenClonk release weekend is over now and I would like to thank everybody who participated for coming to Hamburg. I think it has been quite successful and I hope it was as fun for you all as it was for me! I am looking forward to doing these kind of weekends more often. But next time, with more preparation time.
With over 150 commits on and in preparation to the weekend, we made about as much progress this weekend than the last half a year! And, most importantly, we finally released all the work that has been put into the game since 20 months ago.

We actually used this button to release the game. Sven2 had the honor after winning a round of an OpenClonk version of “One tree”
We were altogether eight people: Clonk-Karl, Clonkonaut, Maikel, Matthias Mortimer, Newton, Sven2 and Zapper.
All of us were super productive and also finally got around to do those works which normally nobody is motivated to do alone.
I want to particularly thank Sven2 & Mortimer who spent almost a day on finding desyncs between mac/linux & windows network games and Clonk-Karl who fired a broadside at old long-standing bugs from the bugtracker.
An overview of the immense count of tasks we finished on the weekend is linked in the forum:
OC release weekend: List of finished and unfinished tasks.
Thank you all for your hard work, OpenClonk team!
Thanks guys!
This type of co-working (IRL mettings) appears to be the most effective way of project development 😉
Great news (especially after all the gloomy talks about future of the project)
I think the game still needs some background music.