A new design contest has started! The topic of the contest is “Mining” and submissions will be accepted until Christmas.

The competition is organized by Fulgen and is open for entries from both Clonk Rage and OpenClonk. If you don’t know how to build a scenario yet, try out the new editor available in the latest development snapshots! If you have an idea but don’t know how to build it, feel free to ask in our help board.
Here are the rules (translated from the announcement the clonkspot forum in German):
The topic of the contest is: mining
- Both scenarios (i.e. maps) and objects will be accepted.
- For scenarios, the difficulty should be medium (e.g. no bugs should need to be exploited).
- Optionally, the difficulty can increase with the amount of players.
- Submissions should have a description and title image.
- If possible, it should be both in English and German.
- For objects, both meshes and sprites are allowed.
- Scripts should be free of errors.
- Submissions are allowed for both OpenClonk and Clonk Rage.
Evaluation (scenarios):
- Fun: is the map fun?
- Idea: how does the map stand out from others?
- Multiplayer: is the map suited for multiplayer gameplay?
- Script: is the script error-free or are there bugs that affect the gameplay?
Evaluation (objects):
- Utility: is there a sensible application for the object? Does it use/add mechanisms that are fun? Is it easy to use (e.g. not having a myriad of menus)?
- Script: is the script error-free?
- Visuals: does the look match the object?
The contests starts on Nov. 07th 2016 and submissions will be accepted until around Dec. 24th 2016. There is no limit to the number of submissions per participant.
Submissions should be posted as a new thread in the clonkspot board “contest submissions” (note that you need a clonkspot forums account to access the board) with a description in the post and the object or scenario as an attachment.