Archive for November 4th, 2015

Introducing the Milestone Project

Posted in Development on November 4th, 2015 by Newton – 2 Comments

A wind of change has been blowing lately in the Clonk community: A team around ala recently formed the so-called Milestone Project for OpenClonk. About a dozen people regularly participate, some of them are also recruited from the classic Clonk Community. The most important and valuable characteristic of this project is that it is organized. ala gets the developers to stick their heads together and work on a common goal.

The Milestone Project wants to put some pioneer spirit back into the Clonk content development. They prototype and experiment with new ideas, concepts and game elements and their main goal – at least for the first few milestones – is to enrich the game world of OpenClonk so that it looks and plays more like a polished, finished game.

What does that mean exactly? Well, I hope we will cover more frequently and more in detail what interesting stuff they are working on in the future. For now, I will just show you a few pictures:

ZoomedGraniteIn search for a more uniform graphics style, away from the textures taken from photographs towards something painted (with love ;-)), Nachtfalter initated a rework of the material textures. Goal: Make worthless materials (rock, earth, sand, granite,…) stand out less. Generally make materials flatter and less photorealistic to make it easier for plants, items, livings etc. to be prominent on the screen.

granite_NRMAlso, this is the first proper attempt to create nice normal maps that work together well with the new lighting system (since 6.0) for the textures. You see this very nicely with the granite rocks from Matthi there.

granite_shapeAnd here is a feature that Sven2 already implemented years ago but now it finally gets to be used. The shape texture:

If such a shape texture is defined for a material, any material placed during landscape generation will have this shape, i.e. there will only be whole rocks. This one is by Clonkonaut.

dec1 Furthermore, mainly Nachtfalter has been experimenting with other styles for vegetation to put some greenery into the world….

ClonkRain… and Randrian experimented with weather effects like more beautiful rain. But what would the world of Clonk be without…

underwater_sneak_peek…animals! Like Matthi’s sea creatures here and best of all Clonk animals, the Wipf (by pluto).


Some of the work presented here is already included in the upcoming 7.0 release. So, stay tuned 🙂