7.0 – Release Candidate 3

Guardians of the Windmills has been one of the first scenarios in Open Clonk. Now it’s completely overhauled!
A new and hopefully final Release Candidate has been build. If you haven’t noticed the other two RCs, that is totally fine since we kept those hidden in the forums.
Be advised that since 6.1 there have been a lot of changes and there is no compiled changes list yet (however, there will be when the release is out for real). I will just list the major ones right here:
- Complete overhaul of controls. You cannot select two items anymore to the two mouse buttons. Instead, just one item is selected and activated on left mouse, thrown on right mouse button. You can quick switch back to your last selected item with ‘Q’. You pick up items by using Shift now and can use Shift + Left/Right to skip through all the items lying around or use Shift + Up to pick up as many things as your clonk can carry (Shift + Down will abort picking up). To get the contents of any object / clonk press ‘E’. Interaction (grabbing, using vehicles, …) is still on Space but works similar to picking up things.
- Completely new HUD and menus. HUD size is linked to font size.
- Normalmaps and new textures for the landscape.
- New music and an optional music pack (because it does not use a Creative Commons License, it is not shipped with OC): The Windows installer will automatically query you to download that music separately, everyone else can get it from the Download page (bottom right). Just replace the Music.ocg in your Open Clonk directory.
- A lot of other cool new things!
If you have not tested the new controls before, we recommend playing the new tutorials first!
Windows 32bit
Windows 64bit
Linux 32bit
Linux 64bit
OS X 64bit
Linux users who want to build OC themselves can do so by checking out the ‘stable-7.0’ branch of the main repository.
- Open Clonk does not start or crashes immediately
You might want to try and update your graphics driver. Even if Open Clonk 6.1 runs fine, because in the meantime a lot of work has been put into shader development and right now, Open Clonk needs a recent driver. We recommend using AMD or Nvidia Video cards! - I am running Open Clonk on a device with an Intel GMA / HD Graphics chipset and have problems running Open Clonk
If your machine does have a GMA chip, Open Clonk will probably not run at all and there is low chance OC will support your device again, sorry. More recent HD chips should be able to run OC. Always try and get the most recent graphics driver there is. It is known that OC does not run properly on HD 2000 and HD 3000 (Sandy Bridge processors) and currently no support is planned. - My Gamepad does not work properly
Right now, gamepad support is not finished and will probably not be finished for the release, sorry. We are working on getting gamepads working again though. Currently, your only choice of control input is mouse + keyboard. - I have troubles using splitscreen / local coop
The release will not feature local coop / splitscreen support, sorry. We are working on getting this working again though. Currently, your only choice is online coop. - No one is playing online!
Usually, there are people around sundays at evening (CET). Or sometimes other days but evenings are best to catch other players! - I have another problem
Sorry to hear that! Please post your problem in the bugtracker or the forums.
Just wanted to say woo! Bought clonk rage back in 2008 and occasionally have checked in on the open clonk project. You guys have done great work with it. I tried to get others interested in clonk rage but the controls have a habit of turning people off, whereas openclonk modernizes it and makes everything smoother. Keep up the good work!